You have probably already noticed that your child is ready for summer vacation, but we can make it until Wednesday, May 28, at 12:30 PM. (May 28th will be our last day of school for the 2013-2014 school year!)
Your child will be bringing home most— if not, all of his/her school supplies today--Tuesday, May 27th.
On the last day of school (Wednesday), your child will receive his/her grade card–if all lunch charges, Tiger Tales charges, library books returned, etc. So, your child WILL need his/her backpack. We will also reminisce over our year together.
Please click on the links below for some fun review activities for your child.
May & June Summer Activities July & August Summer Activities
Have a fun and safe summer–and don’t forget to read!
Your child will be bringing home most— if not, all of his/her school supplies today--Tuesday, May 27th.
On the last day of school (Wednesday), your child will receive his/her grade card–if all lunch charges, Tiger Tales charges, library books returned, etc. So, your child WILL need his/her backpack. We will also reminisce over our year together.
Please click on the links below for some fun review activities for your child.
May & June Summer Activities July & August Summer Activities
Have a fun and safe summer–and don’t forget to read!
Thank you!
I feel so blessed! I want to thank you for all the goodies this week--flowers, bottles of water, and chocolate! Also, the cards that your children made are priceless. I treasure each one. Again, thank you. I am very blessed to be your child's teacher this year.
May will be a busy month for the students.
+Fine Arts Night is Friday, May May 2nd, from 6-8:30PM.
+Book Fair will be Friday, May 2nd—Friday, May 9th.
+Hat Day is Tuesday. May 6th. Please bring a canned good for the Food Pantry.
+Wednesday, May 7th is our Field Trip to the Dickerson Park Zoo.
+Field Day is Thursday, May 22nd. (If you would like to help Coach during Field Day, please contact her at [email protected] or 862-6308.) Rain date will be Friday, May 23rd.
+Our last Tiger Pride Assembly will be Tuesday, May 27th, at 2:30 PM in the cafeteria.
+Our last day of school will be Wednesday, May 28th. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 PM.
+Fine Arts Night is Friday, May May 2nd, from 6-8:30PM.
+Book Fair will be Friday, May 2nd—Friday, May 9th.
+Hat Day is Tuesday. May 6th. Please bring a canned good for the Food Pantry.
+Wednesday, May 7th is our Field Trip to the Dickerson Park Zoo.
+Field Day is Thursday, May 22nd. (If you would like to help Coach during Field Day, please contact her at [email protected] or 862-6308.) Rain date will be Friday, May 23rd.
+Our last Tiger Pride Assembly will be Tuesday, May 27th, at 2:30 PM in the cafeteria.
+Our last day of school will be Wednesday, May 28th. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 PM.
Our Peep Science Experiment
(After this experiment, I do not think I can eat another peep.)
Our field trip to the Dickerson Park Zoo is Wednesday, April 30th. If you would like to volunteer to be a chaperone, please send in your completed release form to school by Monday, April 14th. If you need a copy of the permission slip or the release form, please click here.
School will dismiss at 12:30 PM Friday, April 4th.
First Grade Music program will be
Thursday, March 6th. Performances will be
at 3:00 and 6:30 PM!
- Tuesday--CRAZY SOCKS AND HATS (bring canned food for food pantry)
- Thursday--MIX AND MATCH
Clean Sweep for First Grade!
If you would like to purchase a BAKER'S DOZEN COOKIE COUPON, please send the money to school with your child in an envelope. Please mark on the envelope your child's name and the number of coupons you wish to purchase. Thanks!
Jump Rope for Heart is this week. Please send your child's money to school by Friday, February 28th.
It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and that means our Valentine’s Day class parties are right around the corner. We will be sharing and passing out Valentines cards on the day of the party. If you would like to construct and/or decorate a Valentines box with your child, please feel free to do so! You can make your box as elaborate or as simple as you would like! If you do not have time or supplies to make a box with your child, we will make a Valentines bag at school on the day of the party. Also, if your child needs Valentine cards to pass out please let me know!
To help your child write a Valentine for each friend, please click on class list. You may send your child’s Valentine’s box and Valentine’s Day cards to school Thursday, February 13th.
Our class party will be Thursday, February 13 at 2:30 pm. (To help with the party expenses, please send $2 to school with your child in an envelope.) Please make sure to send your child’s box with them on the day of the party! If you have any questions, let me know!
Happy crafting!
To help your child write a Valentine for each friend, please click on class list. You may send your child’s Valentine’s box and Valentine’s Day cards to school Thursday, February 13th.
Our class party will be Thursday, February 13 at 2:30 pm. (To help with the party expenses, please send $2 to school with your child in an envelope.) Please make sure to send your child’s box with them on the day of the party! If you have any questions, let me know!
Happy crafting!
More Math Games
If your child came home talking about/wanting to play the new math games that I have linked my website, please click on the links below.
Alien Addends
Snowball Fight
To find these games and others, please click on the Various Math Concepts link. Enjoy!
If your child came home talking about/wanting to play the new math games that I have linked my website, please click on the links below.
Alien Addends
Snowball Fight
To find these games and others, please click on the Various Math Concepts link. Enjoy!
Here are
the snow make-up days:
1. Monday, January 20th - Full Day
2. Friday, February 14th – Half Day
3. Monday, February 17th - Full Day
4. Friday, April 18th - Full Day
5. Monday, April 21st - Full Day
6. Thursday, May 22nd - Full Day
If needed - Friday May 23rd is next in line to be used for bad weather make up.
1. Monday, January 20th - Full Day
2. Friday, February 14th – Half Day
3. Monday, February 17th - Full Day
4. Friday, April 18th - Full Day
5. Monday, April 21st - Full Day
6. Thursday, May 22nd - Full Day
If needed - Friday May 23rd is next in line to be used for bad weather make up.
I hope that everyone has a happy and safe Christmas break! I will see the kids on Monday, January 6, 2014.
Veterans, thank you!
You are our HEROES!
Red Ribbon Week--October 28-November 1, 2013
Monday - "Fight Back Against Drugs " Wear Camo
Tuesday - "Willard Tigers say NO to Drugs" Wear your tiger t-shirt and anything RED
Wednesday - "Team up Against Drugs" Wear your favorite team jersey or t-shirt
Thursday - "Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It" Dress as YOUR future career
Friday - "Boot Away Drugs" Wear your Cowboy Duds
Monday - "Fight Back Against Drugs " Wear Camo
Tuesday - "Willard Tigers say NO to Drugs" Wear your tiger t-shirt and anything RED
Wednesday - "Team up Against Drugs" Wear your favorite team jersey or t-shirt
Thursday - "Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It" Dress as YOUR future career
Friday - "Boot Away Drugs" Wear your Cowboy Duds
School Fundraiser
Our School Fundraiser items will be available for pick up on Tuesday, October 22nd, from 3:30-6:30 in the cafeteria.
Our School Fundraiser items will be available for pick up on Tuesday, October 22nd, from 3:30-6:30 in the cafeteria.
In Writer's Workshop the next few weeks, we will be learning more about Informational Writing. As a class, we will "research" a few topics together before we go off on our own. One topic that we will learn more about together is BATS. The students made Hand-art Bats to hang in the hallway, but many students wanted the pattern to make more bats at home. Click here for the bat pattern.
If you would like to order from the "Spirit Sale '13" form, please click here. Forms went home with your child Friday, October 11th.
Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, October 22nd, and Thursday, October 24th. Here is a copy of the sign up sheet.
Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, October 22nd, and Thursday, October 24th. Here is a copy of the sign up sheet.
Math Workshop
Please have your child click on the Math Workshop tab. Directions and game boards have been linked to this page for your child. While your child is playing a game, he/she is also learning. Have fun!
Spelling Lists
Your child should have brought home a letter explaining the changes to our weekly spelling words. If not, please click here. We also sent home the leveled spelling lists. We will be practicing these words in the classroom, but please feel free to practice at home, as well.
Family & Fun
I hope everyone enjoyed their three-day weekend. The weather was fabulous for picnics and ball games.
The students will be getting their Tiger T-shirts on Tuesday, and they will need to wear their shirts each Tuesday.
The students will be getting their Tiger T-shirts on Tuesday, and they will need to wear their shirts each Tuesday.
First Day of School
We had a wonderful time getting to know each other. We have 10 girls and boys in our class.
Thank you looking at your child’s Communication Folder (Red). Each child has a calendar in his/her communication folder which has a stamp for the kind of day that your child has here at school. Example–Green means a good day. Yellow means that he/she had to have few reminders to follow the school rules.
Thank you, in advance, for your help throughout the coming school year. We are looking forward to a great time together in first grade.
Thank you looking at your child’s Communication Folder (Red). Each child has a calendar in his/her communication folder which has a stamp for the kind of day that your child has here at school. Example–Green means a good day. Yellow means that he/she had to have few reminders to follow the school rules.
Thank you, in advance, for your help throughout the coming school year. We are looking forward to a great time together in first grade.
Student FOCUSED / Strongly CONNECTED / Success DRIVEN
will be our theme for the 2013-2014 school year, and our "Meet the Teacher Night" will be Tuesday, August 13th, from 6:00-7:00 PM. I hope that you will be able to drop by Room 17. When you come, please bring your school supplies.