Thank you!

You have probably already noticed your child is ready for summer vacation. Today (Thursday, May 24th) is our last day of school for the 2017-2018 school year, and we will dismiss school at 12:30 PM.
While your child should have brought home most--if not, all of his/her school supplies this week, I will be sending home: Leadership binders and grade cards today.
Please click on the links below for some fun review activities for your child.
May & June Summer Activities July & August Summer Activities
Have a fun and safe summer–and don’t forget to read!
While your child should have brought home most--if not, all of his/her school supplies this week, I will be sending home: Leadership binders and grade cards today.
Please click on the links below for some fun review activities for your child.
May & June Summer Activities July & August Summer Activities
Have a fun and safe summer–and don’t forget to read!

Learning can be so much fun! Hopefully, your child is coming home telling you about our learning. If not, please go to the Photos tab and you can take a look for yourself. Today's project was the Paper Challenge.
Learning can be so much fun! Hopefully, your child is coming home telling you about our learning. If not, please go to the Photos tab and you can take a look for yourself. Today's project was the Paper Challenge.

Week of May 14th-18th
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Perseverance--Toad and Frog
Phonics: ight/ite
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Review and reassess math concepts
SS/Science: Stem Design Challenge
Mark Your Calendars:
May 18 - Field Day
May 24--Last Day of School (We will dismiss at 12:30 PM.)
June 4-29 - Summer School
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Perseverance--Toad and Frog
Phonics: ight/ite
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Review and reassess math concepts
SS/Science: Stem Design Challenge
Mark Your Calendars:
May 18 - Field Day
May 24--Last Day of School (We will dismiss at 12:30 PM.)
June 4-29 - Summer School

Field Trip
We had a WONDERFUL time on our field trip to Lighthouse Lanes! The students spent about 2 hours bowling with friends. Several of the students made a STRIKE--and some even made more than one. All this could not have been possible without our volunteers. So, a HUGE thank you for all the volunteers! You are appreciated! (Check out our Photos page for new pictures.)
We had a WONDERFUL time on our field trip to Lighthouse Lanes! The students spent about 2 hours bowling with friends. Several of the students made a STRIKE--and some even made more than one. All this could not have been possible without our volunteers. So, a HUGE thank you for all the volunteers! You are appreciated! (Check out our Photos page for new pictures.)

Week of May 7th-11th
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Moon
Phonics: Hard/Soft G
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Review and reassess math concepts
SS/Science: Moon
Mark Your Calendars:
May 7 - Deadline for field trip permission slip
May 10 - Field trip to Lighthouse Lanes (Click HERE for more information)
May 18 - Field Day
June 4-29 - Summer School
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Moon
Phonics: Hard/Soft G
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Review and reassess math concepts
SS/Science: Moon
Mark Your Calendars:
May 7 - Deadline for field trip permission slip
May 10 - Field trip to Lighthouse Lanes (Click HERE for more information)
May 18 - Field Day
June 4-29 - Summer School

Week of April 30th - May 4th
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Planets
Phonics: Hard/Soft C
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 15--Equal Shares of Circles and Rectangles
Social Studies: Comparing animal and plant characteristics
Mark Your Calendars:
May 1 - Hat Day (Please bring hygiene products)
May 7 - Deadline for field trip permission slip
May 10 - Field trip to Lighthouse Lanes (Click HERE for more information)
May 18 - Field Day
June 4-29 - Summer School
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Planets
Phonics: Hard/Soft C
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 15--Equal Shares of Circles and Rectangles
Social Studies: Comparing animal and plant characteristics
Mark Your Calendars:
May 1 - Hat Day (Please bring hygiene products)
May 7 - Deadline for field trip permission slip
May 10 - Field trip to Lighthouse Lanes (Click HERE for more information)
May 18 - Field Day
June 4-29 - Summer School

Field Day Volunteers Needed
Mrs. Allen is in need of adult volunteers for Field Day! If you would be willing to donate some of your time, please follow the link below to sign up!
Field Day Volunteer Application
Mrs. Allen is in need of adult volunteers for Field Day! If you would be willing to donate some of your time, please follow the link below to sign up!
Field Day Volunteer Application

Week of April 23-27th
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Being Yourself
Phonics: Diphthongs au/aw
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 14--Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes (Test--Wednesday)
Social Studies: STEM project--Mimicking animal characteristics
Mark Your Calendars:
April 23rd - Deadline for summer school enrollment
May 1 - Hat Day
May 10 - Field trip to Lighthouse Lanes (Click HERE for more information)
May 18 - Field Day
June 4-29 - Summer School Click HERE to register for Summer School. (The registration window closes Monday, April 23rd.)
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Being Yourself
Phonics: Diphthongs au/aw
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 14--Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes (Test--Wednesday)
Social Studies: STEM project--Mimicking animal characteristics
Mark Your Calendars:
April 23rd - Deadline for summer school enrollment
May 1 - Hat Day
May 10 - Field trip to Lighthouse Lanes (Click HERE for more information)
May 18 - Field Day
June 4-29 - Summer School Click HERE to register for Summer School. (The registration window closes Monday, April 23rd.)

Week of April 16-20th
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Growing Plants
Phonics: Changing Y-i
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 14--Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
Social Studies: Animal characteristics
Mark Your Calendars:
May 1 - Hat Day
May 18 - Field Day
June 4-29 - Summer School Click HERE to register for Summer School. (The registration window closes Monday, April 23rd.)
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Growing Plants
Phonics: Changing Y-i
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 14--Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
Social Studies: Animal characteristics
Mark Your Calendars:
May 1 - Hat Day
May 18 - Field Day
June 4-29 - Summer School Click HERE to register for Summer School. (The registration window closes Monday, April 23rd.)
Our New Willard South Leadership song

Week of April 9-13th
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Life Cycles--Plants
Phonics: Final Blends
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 14--Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
Social Studies: Animal characteristics
Mark Your Calendars:
April 9-13 - Recess Rocks Week
May 1 - Hat Day
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Life Cycles--Plants
Phonics: Final Blends
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 14--Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
Social Studies: Animal characteristics
Mark Your Calendars:
April 9-13 - Recess Rocks Week
May 1 - Hat Day

Week of April 3-6th
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Life Cycles--Caterpillar to Butterfly
Phonics: S Blends
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 13--Telling Time
Social Studies: Habitats
Mark Your Calendars:
April 2 - No School
April 3 - Hat Day
April 9-13 - Recess Rocks Week
May 1 - Hat Day
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Life Cycles--Caterpillar to Butterfly
Phonics: S Blends
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 13--Telling Time
Social Studies: Habitats
Mark Your Calendars:
April 2 - No School
April 3 - Hat Day
April 9-13 - Recess Rocks Week
May 1 - Hat Day

Week of March 26-29th
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Dairy Cows
Phonics: Long O
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 12--Measure Lengths; Test will be Tuesday.
Social Studies: Habitats
Mark Your Calendars:
March 28th - Spring Picture Day
March 30 - No School
April 2 - No School
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Dairy Cows
Phonics: Long O
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 12--Measure Lengths; Test will be Tuesday.
Social Studies: Habitats
Mark Your Calendars:
March 28th - Spring Picture Day
March 30 - No School
April 2 - No School

Week of March 19th-23rd
This week will be learning about:
Reading: The Big Trip
Phonics: Long U
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 12--Measure Lengths
Social Studies: Habitats
Mark Your Calendars:
March 28th - Spring Picture Day
March 30 - No School
April 2 - No School
This week will be learning about:
Reading: The Big Trip
Phonics: Long U
Writing: Narrative Writing
Math: Topic 12--Measure Lengths
Social Studies: Habitats
Mark Your Calendars:
March 28th - Spring Picture Day
March 30 - No School
April 2 - No School

March 14-15-16th--School will NOT be in session. I hope everyone enjoys a relaxing the next few days with family.
Learning About Volcanoes in First Grade
March 12th & 13th
Monday--Our First Grade Camping Day (See note below for more information.)
Tuesday--Buddy Day (During lunch, we're eating pizza with our Reading Buddies.)
Mark Your Calendars:
March 12th - Snow Make-up Day #2--School WILL be in session.
March 13th - Snow Make-up Day #3--School WILL be in session.
March 14-16th - Spring Break
March 28th - Spring Picture Day
March 30 - No School
April 2 - No School
Monday--Our First Grade Camping Day (See note below for more information.)
Tuesday--Buddy Day (During lunch, we're eating pizza with our Reading Buddies.)
Mark Your Calendars:
March 12th - Snow Make-up Day #2--School WILL be in session.
March 13th - Snow Make-up Day #3--School WILL be in session.
March 14-16th - Spring Break
March 28th - Spring Picture Day
March 30 - No School
April 2 - No School
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Week of March 5th-9th
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Volcanoes
Phonics: Long E
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 11--Use Models and Strategies to Subtract Tens
Social Studies: Volcanoes
Mark Your Calendars:
March 6th - Hat Day
March 8th - Literacy Night from 6:00-7:30 PM
March 9th - School will dismiss at 12:30 PM
March 12th - Snow Make-up Day #2--School WILL be in session.
March 13th - Snow Make-up Day #3--School WILL be in session.
March 14-16th - Spring Break
March 28th - Spring Picture Day
March 30 - No School
April 2 - No School
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Volcanoes
Phonics: Long E
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 11--Use Models and Strategies to Subtract Tens
Social Studies: Volcanoes
Mark Your Calendars:
March 6th - Hat Day
March 8th - Literacy Night from 6:00-7:30 PM
March 9th - School will dismiss at 12:30 PM
March 12th - Snow Make-up Day #2--School WILL be in session.
March 13th - Snow Make-up Day #3--School WILL be in session.
March 14-16th - Spring Break
March 28th - Spring Picture Day
March 30 - No School
April 2 - No School

Week of February 26th-March 2nd
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Review
Phonics: Long I
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 11--Use Models and Strategies to Subtract Tens
Social Studies: Dr. Seuss
Mark Your Calendars:
February 28th - Book It forms are due.
March 6th - Hat Day
March 8th - Literacy Night from 6:00-7:30 PM
March 9th - School will dismiss at 12:30 PM
March 12th - Snow Make-up Day #2--School WILL be in session.
March 13th - Snow Make-up Day #3--School WILL be in session.
March 14-16th - Spring Break
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Review
Phonics: Long I
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 11--Use Models and Strategies to Subtract Tens
Social Studies: Dr. Seuss
Mark Your Calendars:
February 28th - Book It forms are due.
March 6th - Hat Day
March 8th - Literacy Night from 6:00-7:30 PM
March 9th - School will dismiss at 12:30 PM
March 12th - Snow Make-up Day #2--School WILL be in session.
March 13th - Snow Make-up Day #3--School WILL be in session.
March 14-16th - Spring Break
Our Lincoln Log Cabins
This week we have been learning more about Presidents Lincoln and Washington, and we just love learning more about these famous Americans.
Presidential Trivia
Who did President Washington call Sweetlips, Madame Moose, and True Love? For the answer, ask your child.
The students had the opportunity to draw President Washington. However, the students said they wanted to try this again at home. Below is a link to a YouTube video that shows kids how to draw President Washington and another link to show how to draw President Lincoln.
This week we have been learning more about Presidents Lincoln and Washington, and we just love learning more about these famous Americans.
Presidential Trivia
Who did President Washington call Sweetlips, Madame Moose, and True Love? For the answer, ask your child.
The students had the opportunity to draw President Washington. However, the students said they wanted to try this again at home. Below is a link to a YouTube video that shows kids how to draw President Washington and another link to show how to draw President Lincoln.

Week of February 19th - 23rd
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Presidents
Phonics: Long A
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 10--Use models and strategies to add with Tens and Ones (We will be taking a test on Tuesday.)
Social Studies: George Washington
Mark Your Calendars:
February 19th - Snow Make-up Day #1--School WILL be in session.
February 28th - Book It forms are due.
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Presidents
Phonics: Long A
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 10--Use models and strategies to add with Tens and Ones (We will be taking a test on Tuesday.)
Social Studies: George Washington
Mark Your Calendars:
February 19th - Snow Make-up Day #1--School WILL be in session.
February 28th - Book It forms are due.

Week of February 12-16th
This week will be learning about:
Reading: The Invisible Boy--Be Yourself
Phonics: 'oi' & 'oy'
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 10--Use models and strategies to add with Tens and Ones (We will be taking a test on Thursday.)
Social Studies: Abraham Lincoln
Mark Your Calendars:
February 12 - 16th - Spirit Week (See post below for the theme for each day.)
February 16th - Friendship Party - 9:45-10:30 AM ( For more info, scroll down to see the "Friendship Party" post.)
We will be dismissing students at 12:30 PM.
February 19th - Snow Make-up Day #1--School WILL be in session.
February 28th - Book It forms are due.
This week will be learning about:
Reading: The Invisible Boy--Be Yourself
Phonics: 'oi' & 'oy'
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 10--Use models and strategies to add with Tens and Ones (We will be taking a test on Thursday.)
Social Studies: Abraham Lincoln
Mark Your Calendars:
February 12 - 16th - Spirit Week (See post below for the theme for each day.)
February 16th - Friendship Party - 9:45-10:30 AM ( For more info, scroll down to see the "Friendship Party" post.)
We will be dismissing students at 12:30 PM.
February 19th - Snow Make-up Day #1--School WILL be in session.
February 28th - Book It forms are due.
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Week of February 5-9th
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Duck! Rabbit!--Point of View
Phonics: 'ew' & 'oo' Digraphs
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 10 (Use models and strategies to add with Tens and Ones)
Social Studies: Penguins
Mark Your Calendars:
February 6th - Hat Day
February 16th - Friendship Party - 9:45-10:30 AM ( For more info, see post below)
February 19th - Snow Make-up Day #1--School WILL be in session.
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Duck! Rabbit!--Point of View
Phonics: 'ew' & 'oo' Digraphs
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 10 (Use models and strategies to add with Tens and Ones)
Social Studies: Penguins
Mark Your Calendars:
February 6th - Hat Day
February 16th - Friendship Party - 9:45-10:30 AM ( For more info, see post below)
February 19th - Snow Make-up Day #1--School WILL be in session.

It's a Hit!
Tomorrow (February 1st) First Grade presents their musical. Ms. Christensen has requested each class wear a plain colored t-shirt in their class color. (Our class color is blue.) She has also requested for the students to wear jeans or baseball pants. (Hats are provided.) The students are to wear their shirts TO SCHOOL on February 1 and to the evening performance.
The school performance is at 2:45, and the evening performance begins at 6:30. (Students are to arrive at 6:00 PM.)
If you would like to purchase a DVD of the performance, please click here for an order form. (Ms. Christensen will also send out order forms with the students.)
Tomorrow (February 1st) First Grade presents their musical. Ms. Christensen has requested each class wear a plain colored t-shirt in their class color. (Our class color is blue.) She has also requested for the students to wear jeans or baseball pants. (Hats are provided.) The students are to wear their shirts TO SCHOOL on February 1 and to the evening performance.
The school performance is at 2:45, and the evening performance begins at 6:30. (Students are to arrive at 6:00 PM.)
If you would like to purchase a DVD of the performance, please click here for an order form. (Ms. Christensen will also send out order forms with the students.)

Friendship Party Fun
It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and that means our Friendship class parties are right around the corner. We will be sharing and passing out Valentines cards on the day of the party. If you would like to construct and/or decorate a Valentines box with your child, please feel free to do so! You can make your box as elaborate or as simple as you would like! If you do not have time or supplies to make a box with your child, we will make a Valentines bag at school on the day of the party. Also, if your child needs Valentine cards to pass out, please let me know! To help your child address a Valentine for each friend, please click HERE for a class list. Our class party will be Friday, February 16 from 9:45-10:30 am. Please make sure to send your child’s box with them on the day of the party! If you have any questions, let me know! Happy crafting!
It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and that means our Friendship class parties are right around the corner. We will be sharing and passing out Valentines cards on the day of the party. If you would like to construct and/or decorate a Valentines box with your child, please feel free to do so! You can make your box as elaborate or as simple as you would like! If you do not have time or supplies to make a box with your child, we will make a Valentines bag at school on the day of the party. Also, if your child needs Valentine cards to pass out, please let me know! To help your child address a Valentine for each friend, please click HERE for a class list. Our class party will be Friday, February 16 from 9:45-10:30 am. Please make sure to send your child’s box with them on the day of the party! If you have any questions, let me know! Happy crafting!

Week of January 29 - February 2nd
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Being Yourself--Having good character
Phonics: 'ou' & 'ow' Diphthongs
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 9 (Compare Two Digit Numbers) Our assessment will be taken on Wednesday, January 31st.
Social Studies: Penguins
Mark Your Calendars:
January 31st – Book It forms due (100th Day of School)
February 1st - First Grade music program at 2:45 and 6:30 PM
February 2nd - Yearbook order forms due. Click HERE for the order form.
February 6th - Hat Day
February 16th - Valentine Party - more information coming soon
February 19th - Snow Make-up Day #1--School WILL be in session.
This week will be learning about:
Reading: Being Yourself--Having good character
Phonics: 'ou' & 'ow' Diphthongs
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 9 (Compare Two Digit Numbers) Our assessment will be taken on Wednesday, January 31st.
Social Studies: Penguins
Mark Your Calendars:
January 31st – Book It forms due (100th Day of School)
February 1st - First Grade music program at 2:45 and 6:30 PM
February 2nd - Yearbook order forms due. Click HERE for the order form.
February 6th - Hat Day
February 16th - Valentine Party - more information coming soon
February 19th - Snow Make-up Day #1--School WILL be in session.

Week of January 22-26th
*Due to our Snow Days last week, this week will be talking about:
Reading: Martin Luther King Jr.
Phonics: 'oe' & 'oa' vowels teams
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 9 (Compare Two Digit Numbers)
Social Studies: Martin Luther King Jr.
Mark Your Calendars:
January 31st – Book It forms due
February 1st - First Grade music program at 2:45 and 6:30 PM
February 2nd - Yearbook order forms due. Click HERE for the order form.
*Due to our Snow Days last week, this week will be talking about:
Reading: Martin Luther King Jr.
Phonics: 'oe' & 'oa' vowels teams
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 9 (Compare Two Digit Numbers)
Social Studies: Martin Luther King Jr.
Mark Your Calendars:
January 31st – Book It forms due
February 1st - First Grade music program at 2:45 and 6:30 PM
February 2nd - Yearbook order forms due. Click HERE for the order form.

Week of January 15-19th
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Martin Luther King Jr.
Phonics: 'oe' & 'oa' vowels teams
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 8 (Understand Place Values) We will be testing this week.
Social Studies: Martin Luther King Jr.
Mark Your Calendars:
January 15th--NO SCHOOL
January 31st – Book It forms due
February 1st - First Grade music program at 2:45 and 6:30 PM
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Martin Luther King Jr.
Phonics: 'oe' & 'oa' vowels teams
Writing: Opinion Writing
Math: Topic 8 (Understand Place Values) We will be testing this week.
Social Studies: Martin Luther King Jr.
Mark Your Calendars:
January 15th--NO SCHOOL
January 31st – Book It forms due
February 1st - First Grade music program at 2:45 and 6:30 PM

Week of January 8-12th
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Snowmen
Phonics: 'ai' & 'ay' vowels teams
Writing: Opinion writing
Math: Topic 8 (Understand Place Values)
Science: Winter themed STEM challenges
Mark Your Calendars:
January 9th - Hat Day (Please bring a canned food item.)
January 12th--Progress reports go home.
January 15th - NO SCHOOL (Snow Make-up Day, if needed)
January 31st – Book It forms due
February 1st - First Grade music program @ 2:45 and 6:30 PM
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Snowmen
Phonics: 'ai' & 'ay' vowels teams
Writing: Opinion writing
Math: Topic 8 (Understand Place Values)
Science: Winter themed STEM challenges
Mark Your Calendars:
January 9th - Hat Day (Please bring a canned food item.)
January 12th--Progress reports go home.
January 15th - NO SCHOOL (Snow Make-up Day, if needed)
January 31st – Book It forms due
February 1st - First Grade music program @ 2:45 and 6:30 PM
Snowmen at night

I hope everyone has a happy and safe Christmas break! I will see the kids on Thursday, January 4, 2018.
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Week of December 18-21st
This week will be talking about:
Reading: We will read and discuss the Polar Express.
Phonics: We will learn more about the 'ee' & 'ea' vowels teams.
Writing: We will be writing about the Polar Express and Christmas.
Math: Topic 7--We will take our test on Tuesday, December 19th.
Science: We will learn how whales, penguins, & polar bears stay warm.
Mark Your Calendars:
Dec. 21st – Book It forms due
Dec. 21st - Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Dec. 22-Jan. 3 - No School (Christmas Break)
This week will be talking about:
Reading: We will read and discuss the Polar Express.
Phonics: We will learn more about the 'ee' & 'ea' vowels teams.
Writing: We will be writing about the Polar Express and Christmas.
Math: Topic 7--We will take our test on Tuesday, December 19th.
Science: We will learn how whales, penguins, & polar bears stay warm.
Mark Your Calendars:
Dec. 21st – Book It forms due
Dec. 21st - Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Dec. 22-Jan. 3 - No School (Christmas Break)

Week of December 11-15th
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Winter Holidays
Phonics: Long and short "o"
Writing: Writing informative stories
Math: Topic 7 (Extend the Counting Sequence)
Science: Heat Source
Mark Your Calendars:
Dec. 11-15th Book Fair
Dec. 12th - Make It Take It Night (6-7:30 PM)
Dec. 21st – Book It forms due
Dec. 21st - Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Dec. 22-Jan. 3 - No School (Christmas Break)
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Winter Holidays
Phonics: Long and short "o"
Writing: Writing informative stories
Math: Topic 7 (Extend the Counting Sequence)
Science: Heat Source
Mark Your Calendars:
Dec. 11-15th Book Fair
Dec. 12th - Make It Take It Night (6-7:30 PM)
Dec. 21st – Book It forms due
Dec. 21st - Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Dec. 22-Jan. 3 - No School (Christmas Break)

Week of December 4-8th
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Winter Holidays
Phonics: Long and short "u"
Writing: Writing informative stories
Math: Topic 6 (Represent and Interpret Data) Our test will be Tuesday, Dec. 5th.)
Science: Needs and Wants
Mark Your Calendars:
Dec. 5th - Hat Day (Please bring a canned food item.)
Dec. 11-15th Book Fair
Dec. 12th - Make It Take It Night (6-7:30 PM)
Dec. 21st – Book It forms due
Dec. 21st - Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Dec. 22-Jan. 3 - No School (Christmas Break)
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Winter Holidays
Phonics: Long and short "u"
Writing: Writing informative stories
Math: Topic 6 (Represent and Interpret Data) Our test will be Tuesday, Dec. 5th.)
Science: Needs and Wants
Mark Your Calendars:
Dec. 5th - Hat Day (Please bring a canned food item.)
Dec. 11-15th Book Fair
Dec. 12th - Make It Take It Night (6-7:30 PM)
Dec. 21st – Book It forms due
Dec. 21st - Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Dec. 22-Jan. 3 - No School (Christmas Break)

I hope you and your family are able to spend some time relaxing and enjoying this holiday break! School will be back in session on Monday, November 27th.
November 20th & 21st
This week we will be retesting Topic 5 in math and doing Thanksgiving themed activities in reading and writing.
This week we will be retesting Topic 5 in math and doing Thanksgiving themed activities in reading and writing.

Week of November 13-17th
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Veterans (We will discuss the connection between veterans and Veterans Day.) Thanksgiving (We will also continue to identify the main idea and supporting details. Then we will be learning about Thanksgiving)
Phonics: Long "a"
Writing: Writing informative stories
Math: Topic 5--We are working on addition and subtractions facts.
Science: Weather--We will finish learning about lightning then learn more about clouds .
Mark Your Calendars:
Nov. 14th - Hat Day (Please bring a canned food item.)
Nov. 16th - Veterans Assembly--Students need to wear patriotic colors.
Nov. 21st - Picture Retakes Day
Nov. 22-24 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Nov. 30 – Book It forms due
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Veterans (We will discuss the connection between veterans and Veterans Day.) Thanksgiving (We will also continue to identify the main idea and supporting details. Then we will be learning about Thanksgiving)
Phonics: Long "a"
Writing: Writing informative stories
Math: Topic 5--We are working on addition and subtractions facts.
Science: Weather--We will finish learning about lightning then learn more about clouds .
Mark Your Calendars:
Nov. 14th - Hat Day (Please bring a canned food item.)
Nov. 16th - Veterans Assembly--Students need to wear patriotic colors.
Nov. 21st - Picture Retakes Day
Nov. 22-24 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Nov. 30 – Book It forms due

Week of November 6 - 10th
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Veterans (We will discuss the connection between veterans and Veterans Day.)
Phonics: R cluster words
Writing: Writing informative stories
Math: Topic 5--We are working on addition and subtractions facts.
Science: Weather--We will be learning more about lightning.
Mark Your Calendars:
Nov. 6th - No School
Nov. 7th - No Schooll
Nov. 14th - Hat Day (Please bring a canned food item.)
Nov. 16th - Veterans Assembly--Students need to wear patriotic colors.
Nov. 21st - Picture Retakes Day
Nov. 22-24 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Veterans (We will discuss the connection between veterans and Veterans Day.)
Phonics: R cluster words
Writing: Writing informative stories
Math: Topic 5--We are working on addition and subtractions facts.
Science: Weather--We will be learning more about lightning.
Mark Your Calendars:
Nov. 6th - No School
Nov. 7th - No Schooll
Nov. 14th - Hat Day (Please bring a canned food item.)
Nov. 16th - Veterans Assembly--Students need to wear patriotic colors.
Nov. 21st - Picture Retakes Day
Nov. 22-24 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)

Week of October 30 - November 3rd
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Raccoons (We are learning to identify the main topic and to retell key details.)
Phonics: L cluster words
Writing: Writing informative stories
Math: Topic 4--Subtractions facts to 20 (Topic 4 test on Tuesday, October 31st)
Science: Weather
Mark Your Calendars:
Oct. 30 - Conferences (This is a Monday night.)
Oct. 31 – Book It forms due
Nov. 3, 6, & 7 - No School (This is a Friday, Monday and Tuesday.)
Nov. 14th - Hat Day (Please bring a canned food item.)
Nov. 16th - Veterans Assembly--Students need to wear patriotic colors.
Nov. 21st - Picture Retakes Day
Nov. 22-24 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Raccoons (We are learning to identify the main topic and to retell key details.)
Phonics: L cluster words
Writing: Writing informative stories
Math: Topic 4--Subtractions facts to 20 (Topic 4 test on Tuesday, October 31st)
Science: Weather
Mark Your Calendars:
Oct. 30 - Conferences (This is a Monday night.)
Oct. 31 – Book It forms due
Nov. 3, 6, & 7 - No School (This is a Friday, Monday and Tuesday.)
Nov. 14th - Hat Day (Please bring a canned food item.)
Nov. 16th - Veterans Assembly--Students need to wear patriotic colors.
Nov. 21st - Picture Retakes Day
Nov. 22-24 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)

It's not too late to sign up to discuss your child's progress. To sign up or to view your conference time, please click on the link below.
Oct. 26 -Conferences (This is a Thursday night.)
Oct. 30 -Conferences (This is a Monday night.)
If you would like a phone conference some time during the Week of October 23rd -October 27th, please send me an email with the best phone number to reach you. My email address is [email protected]
I look forward to visiting with you soon!
It's not too late to sign up to discuss your child's progress. To sign up or to view your conference time, please click on the link below.
Oct. 26 -Conferences (This is a Thursday night.)
Oct. 30 -Conferences (This is a Monday night.)
If you would like a phone conference some time during the Week of October 23rd -October 27th, please send me an email with the best phone number to reach you. My email address is [email protected]
I look forward to visiting with you soon!
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Week of October 16-20
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Whales and Dolphins
Phonics: wr, ck, kn
Writing: writing personal narratives
Math: Topic 4--Subtractions facts to 20
Social Studies: Maps
Oct. 16-20 Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Coin Drive
Oct. 20 -Fall Party--9:45-10:30 am (Please send in $2-3 to help cover the cost of the party!)
-Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Oct. 25 -Picture Day
Oct. 26 -Conferences (This is a Thursday night.) Click HERE to sign up for a conference.
-Fundraiser Pick Up
Oct. 30 -Conferences (This is a Monday night.)
Oct. 31 – Book It forms due
Nov. 3, 6, & 7-No School (This is a Friday, Monday and Tuesday.)
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Whales and Dolphins
Phonics: wr, ck, kn
Writing: writing personal narratives
Math: Topic 4--Subtractions facts to 20
Social Studies: Maps
Oct. 16-20 Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Coin Drive
Oct. 20 -Fall Party--9:45-10:30 am (Please send in $2-3 to help cover the cost of the party!)
-Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Oct. 25 -Picture Day
Oct. 26 -Conferences (This is a Thursday night.) Click HERE to sign up for a conference.
-Fundraiser Pick Up
Oct. 30 -Conferences (This is a Monday night.)
Oct. 31 – Book It forms due
Nov. 3, 6, & 7-No School (This is a Friday, Monday and Tuesday.)

Week of October 9-13
This week will be talking about:
Reading: School Days
Phonics: ph, wh
Writing: writing personal narratives (Our writing prompt will be coming up later in the month.)
Math: Topic 3--Addition Math Facts to 20-use various strategies (Our test will be Thursday, October 12th.)
Social Studies: Maps
Each Friday, we will wear our Serve Learn and Lead shirts.
+We will be needing shoeboxes for an upcoming STEM project! If you have any extra shoeboxes at home, we would love to take them off your hands. Please send them to school by October 16! THANKS!!
Oct. 20 -Fall Party--9:45-10:30 am (Please send in $2-3 to help cover the cost of the party!)
-Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Oct. 25 -Picture Day
Oct. 26 -Conferences (This is a Thursday night.) Click HERE to sign up for a conference.
Oct. 30 -Conferences (This is a Monday night.)
Nov. 3, 6, & 7-No School (This is a Friday, Monday and Tuesday.)
This week will be talking about:
Reading: School Days
Phonics: ph, wh
Writing: writing personal narratives (Our writing prompt will be coming up later in the month.)
Math: Topic 3--Addition Math Facts to 20-use various strategies (Our test will be Thursday, October 12th.)
Social Studies: Maps
Each Friday, we will wear our Serve Learn and Lead shirts.
+We will be needing shoeboxes for an upcoming STEM project! If you have any extra shoeboxes at home, we would love to take them off your hands. Please send them to school by October 16! THANKS!!
Oct. 20 -Fall Party--9:45-10:30 am (Please send in $2-3 to help cover the cost of the party!)
-Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Oct. 25 -Picture Day
Oct. 26 -Conferences (This is a Thursday night.) Click HERE to sign up for a conference.
Oct. 30 -Conferences (This is a Monday night.)
Nov. 3, 6, & 7-No School (This is a Friday, Monday and Tuesday.)
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Week of October 2-6
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Fairy Tales
Phonics: ch, sh, th
Writing: Word choice
Math: Topic 3
Social Studies- Maps
Each Friday, we will wear our Serve Learn and Lead shirts.
Oct. 2- Fundraiser money Due
-Open House 6:00-7:30 pm
Oct. 3- Hat Day (bring a can food item for the food pantry)
-McTeacher Night 4-8 pm
Oct. 20- Fall Party (9:45-10:30 am)
-Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Oct. 25 -Picture Day
Oct. 26 -Conferences (This is a Thursday night.)
Oct. 30 -Conferences (This is a Monday night.)
This week will be talking about:
Reading: Fairy Tales
Phonics: ch, sh, th
Writing: Word choice
Math: Topic 3
Social Studies- Maps
Each Friday, we will wear our Serve Learn and Lead shirts.
Oct. 2- Fundraiser money Due
-Open House 6:00-7:30 pm
Oct. 3- Hat Day (bring a can food item for the food pantry)
-McTeacher Night 4-8 pm
Oct. 20- Fall Party (9:45-10:30 am)
-Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Oct. 25 -Picture Day
Oct. 26 -Conferences (This is a Thursday night.)
Oct. 30 -Conferences (This is a Monday night.)

Week of September 25-29
We will be talking about:
Reading: Sequence of Events
Phonics: Review short vowel sounds
Writing: Review good beginnings and organization in our stories
Math: Topic 2 (Our test will be September 27.) and begin Topic 3
Social Studies- Rights and Responsibilities
Each Friday, we will wear our Serve Learn and Lead shirts.
Oct. 2- Fundraiser money Due
-Open House 6:00-7:30 pm
Oct. 3- Hat Day (bring a can food item for the food pantry)
-McTeacher Night 4-8 pm
Oct. 20- Fall Party
-Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Oct.- 25- Picture Day
We will be talking about:
Reading: Sequence of Events
Phonics: Review short vowel sounds
Writing: Review good beginnings and organization in our stories
Math: Topic 2 (Our test will be September 27.) and begin Topic 3
Social Studies- Rights and Responsibilities
Each Friday, we will wear our Serve Learn and Lead shirts.
Oct. 2- Fundraiser money Due
-Open House 6:00-7:30 pm
Oct. 3- Hat Day (bring a can food item for the food pantry)
-McTeacher Night 4-8 pm
Oct. 20- Fall Party
-Dismiss at 12:30 pm
Oct.- 25- Picture Day

Week of September 18-22
Each Friday we will wear your new Serve Learn and Lead shirts.
Our Fundraiser kick-off will be Friday, September 22nd.
This week we will be talking about:
Reading: Sequence of Events
Phonics: short "e" sound
Writing: Special Day writing
Math: Topic 2--Fluently Add and Subtract within 10 (Our test will be September 26)
Social Studies- Rights and Responsibilities
Each Friday we will wear your new Serve Learn and Lead shirts.
Our Fundraiser kick-off will be Friday, September 22nd.
This week we will be talking about:
Reading: Sequence of Events
Phonics: short "e" sound
Writing: Special Day writing
Math: Topic 2--Fluently Add and Subtract within 10 (Our test will be September 26)
Social Studies- Rights and Responsibilities

Math Workshop
In Math Workshop, the children are working on adding and subtracting numbers within 10. The game, How Many are You Hiding, would be great practice for your child when you have time to play.
Click HERE for the directions to the game.
Click HERE for the game board
Hope your child has fun learning!
In Math Workshop, the children are working on adding and subtracting numbers within 10. The game, How Many are You Hiding, would be great practice for your child when you have time to play.
Click HERE for the directions to the game.
Click HERE for the game board
Hope your child has fun learning!
Monster Manners
Hopefully, your child made it home with his/her Tiger Shirt. We will wear our school shirts every Friday. (Check out the Photos page for a few snapshots of our class.)
Next week (September 11-15) we will be talking about in:
Reading: Friendship- describe characters---How do Chrysanthemum’s feelings about her name change throughout the story?
Phonics: short "o" sound
Writing: Continue learning more about Narrative Writing (Our focus topic this week will be a Special Day.)
Math: Begin Topic 2 (Fluently Add and Subtract within 10)
Next week (September 11-15) we will be talking about in:
Reading: Friendship- describe characters---How do Chrysanthemum’s feelings about her name change throughout the story?
Phonics: short "o" sound
Writing: Continue learning more about Narrative Writing (Our focus topic this week will be a Special Day.)
Math: Begin Topic 2 (Fluently Add and Subtract within 10)
Family and Fun
WOW! It has been a week. Even though we had our first "Sharpen the Saw" party on Thursday, many of the students were very tired by Thursday afternoon. So, hopefully, this 4-day weekend will give the students time to rest.
Dates to Remember:
Friday, September 1st--No school
Monday, September 4th--No school
Tuesday, September 5th--Service Day (Students may wear a hat to school. Please bring a can good or a non-perishable item to give to the Food Pantry.)
WOW! It has been a week. Even though we had our first "Sharpen the Saw" party on Thursday, many of the students were very tired by Thursday afternoon. So, hopefully, this 4-day weekend will give the students time to rest.
Dates to Remember:
Friday, September 1st--No school
Monday, September 4th--No school
Tuesday, September 5th--Service Day (Students may wear a hat to school. Please bring a can good or a non-perishable item to give to the Food Pantry.)
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Wow! We had an exciting week. First, we had the Solar Eclipse. Then, we started working "word problems" in math. In writing, we learned what makes a good sentence. In reading, we worked on building our stamina for Read to Self. Students are expected to sit quietly and read a book in one spot during this time. (Thankfully, we made a bit of progress, but we could still use some practice.) Finally, it was Fun Friday. We were able to enjoy Flashlight Friday, Frontrow Math, and Food Friday. Boy, we had many tired friends by the end of the week.
Upcoming Events:
Friday, September 1st—No School
Monday, September 4th—No School
Tuesday, September 5th—Service Day—Wear a hat and bring a can good for the Food Pantry
Upcoming Events:
Friday, September 1st—No School
Monday, September 4th—No School
Tuesday, September 5th—Service Day—Wear a hat and bring a can good for the Food Pantry

"Wow! This is so exciting!" I heard this comment many times this afternoon.

First Day of School
We had a wonderful time getting to know each other. We have 10 girls and 9 boys in our class. Tomorrow please be watching for an envelope in your child's blue communication folder. Inside of the folder will be an envelope with a picture of your child on his/her first day of school. If you can't wait to see the picture, please check out the Photos page. (This page is password protected.)
Thank you, in advance, for your help throughout the coming school year. We are looking forward to a great time together in first grade.
We had a wonderful time getting to know each other. We have 10 girls and 9 boys in our class. Tomorrow please be watching for an envelope in your child's blue communication folder. Inside of the folder will be an envelope with a picture of your child on his/her first day of school. If you can't wait to see the picture, please check out the Photos page. (This page is password protected.)
Thank you, in advance, for your help throughout the coming school year. We are looking forward to a great time together in first grade.
If you would like to volunteer to help with various activities, please click on this link to complete the form.

Thank you so much for dropping by during our Meet the Teacher Night.
Welcome to my blog/website! Our "Meet the Teacher Night" will be Tuesday, August 15th, from 6:00-7:00 PM. I hope you will be able to drop by Room 17. When you come, please bring your child's school supplies.